Nycote 7-11 Dark Blue

Nycote 7-11

Apply Nycote® 7-11 Dark Blue to substrates that need protection from corrosion, electrical conduction and friction. The liquid formula can be easily applied by painting, spraying or dipping areas that need protection from aircraft fuels, oil, lubricants, phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, salt spray and water.

Nycote® 7-11 Dark Blue was designed for EMBRAER Aircraft to specifically to meet their stringent requirements. Nycote® 7-11 Dark Blue also provides excellent high impact, abrasion resistance, flexibility and toughness at temperatures of -70°F to +300°F (-57°C to +149°C). Nycote® 7-11 Dark Blue has a six-month shelf life and the container can be resealed throughout.

Nycote® Dark Blue is used to protect and secure electrical connection installations, fasteners, and numerous other potentially moist areas in all aircraft at the EMBRAER manufacturing site located in São Paulo Brazil

Nycote 7-11 Dark Blue meets the standards for outgassing per ECSS-Q-ST-70-02

Nycote 7-11 Dark Blue meets ISO 22196 International Organization for Standardization Method 22196 – The measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces.